Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy October!!!

Good morning!! Well, it's October now! I am finally going to be closing at 8 pm instead of 9 pm!!! That extra hour makes a big difference! I am so excited!!  I am learning how to add things to my blog and make it look nicer!! Thanks to my wonderful, smart niece!!! How did I get so lucky?? :) Peter (my fiance) and I went and got some Halloween stuff last night and I put the window decorations up this morning already!!! :0 The people that were out for their morning walks stopped and looked and gave me the thumbs up!!! Always nice when the older people approve!! :)  Now I am trying to get my son out of bed so he can go to work! He doesn't seem to want to get up this morning!! GRRRRR Maybe I will have to go in with a glass of cold water!! lol My other son, Tim, called this morning. Today he is moving out of his group home and into a Supportive Roommate place. He will be renting a room in a house with another guy and I think that there are a couple of other guys there as well. He is very nervous and I have to admit, so am I. He has been at the home for two years now and they think he is ready so we will see. He moves tonight! I think I am more nervous because I won't have that support if I need it with him! I know that sounds whimpyish but I can't help it. That group of people have been so wonderful to Tim and to me that it's scary to think I can't just call them and talk to them if he is here and having troubles. They have told him he can call them and go see them whenever he wants though so that's good. I believe he can do it!!!! It's time for him to have some independence and learn to deal with real life. I hope they have lots of support in place for him though as he will need someone to talk to if he is feeling frustrated, etc...........Just like we all do!!!!

Well, going to go and play around with my blog a bit more, do some tidying around the house and get ready for work!!! I also start an hour earlier since we are closing an hour earlier!!!! :)

Have a great day!!!!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

hi great job on the blog!!! i give extra points for the blinkies!!lol