Friday, November 13, 2009

Three Day Weekend and It Snows!

Well, starting today I have a three day weekend which is unusual for me!! Where I work I get Tuesdays and Saturdays off and so to have two days together let alone three is strange. This has come about because of some trading I have done with the other girls at work for myself as well as them. It's nice to be able to do that!!
Tonight Peter and I are DJing a 40th Birthday party!! It is a total '80's theme which I am totally excited about!!! :) It should be fun!! Tomorrow I am not sure what we are going to do. We are supposed to go and look at a hall for the wedding but if the roads are bad then we won't be doing much of anything. On Sunday we are going to watch the Stamps/Eskimos game and cheer on my Stamps so hopefully they will win and go on the play in the Western Final next weekend in Regina!!!! GO STAMPS GO!!!!!
It started snowing here today. :(  I wouldn't mind it so much if it would stay off the roads and sidewalks but that isn't how it goes so I wish it would just stay on the mountains and out of the valley!!! Better yet, go to a different province and snow!!!! :) There are already reports of accidents on the highways and we are supposed to go into town (dad and I) so I don't know if we will be going now! :( Stupid weather!!! Of course it does this on my "long weekend" !!!!  lol
Well, better go and get ready just in case dad decides not to go as I have to go in anyway so I will be taking the bus in this yucky stuff!! lol That should provide for some good entertainment!!! lol
Have a good day and hopefully I will be back on here later.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


This was taken a couple of years ago! My sister in law, Penny, and nephew Matthew and I went Christmas shopping and we got our picture taken with Santa. It was so much fun! It had been years since I had my picture taken with Santa!! lol. How I wish we could have a Christmas shopping trip together this year!!! The memories are wonderful!!! I remember for years it was a yearly tradition for Penny (and whatever child was youngest at that time), myself and my mom would meet at Moxies at Chinook Centre for breakfast, we would talk and laugh so much it was easy to lose track of time!! We would sit by the big fireplace in there and eat, talk and laugh until we cried!! lol. Then we would go shop and still talk and laugh until we cried (most of the time at poor mom's expense but she loved it). Then we would go have lunch and do much of the same as we did at breakfast!!! Then we would shop a bit more and then it was time to go home!! It was awesome and I so miss those times but will treasure the memories forever!!! :)

I am feeling very sentimental these days with the holidays coming and decorating my house and getting ready to go help dad with his tree!! Missing my mom a lot as well as my brother Bill, Penny and all the kids. I miss my oldest son Tim too but he is coming for Christmas so I am excited about that!!! He should arrive Dec. 22 or 23rd and then he will leave to go back to Calgary Dec. 27th. It's a short visit but it will be great to be able to hug him!!! :)

We are also missing Peter's mom June as she has gone away for a few months to visit her family in Ontario and then spend Christmas with her daughter, Melissa and her family in Moosejaw. She will be home in January sometime though and we will have a Christmas with her when she comes home.........which by the way means...............THAT I GET TO LEAVE MY STUFF UP UNTIL SHE COMES HOME!!! :) Woohoo.........I am excited about that!!!!

This is not only our first Christmas without my mom but it's also our first Christmas without Peter's dad as well. Doc passed away six days before my mother did in May so it's been a rough year for us. Doc will also be forever remembered and charished!!! He was a wonderful, funny, loving man!!! The nice thing about all this is that my family and Peter's family have known each other for years and been friends for years so we are all experiencing this together! It's been great to have each other as support knowing we all loved the same people and are grieving and missing the same ones! We will get through it and we will remember them both always!!!

Here's to fond memories, cherished times together and to family!!!!! I love you all so much!!!!! xoxoxoxo
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Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Christmas Season and all that I will deal with

Well, it's finally November and while I am at work today, my hunny is taking in the Christmas stuff from the shed to the house so it's in there for when I get home!! I will go through it and see what I need to get for this year and start putting up my decorations!!! :)  Peter is going to go through the lights and stuff for outside and see what light bulbs he needs to replace and start putting up the decorations outside. We are a little concerned about doing our yard as the other night we had some of our Halloween decorations from outside stolen by a couple of teenagers. The RCMP caught them and we got our stuff back but now we are nervous having our Christmas stuff outside. :( I think it's really sad when you have to be concerned about decorating for any holiday because some stupid kid who doesn't have anything better to do might come along and steal your stuff or wreck it. It really makes me angry actually!!!! Last year on Christmas morning, YES you read correctly, CHRISTMAS MORNING.....someone stole our mechanical deer from out in the front yard. We went to bed at about 2 am and got up at 6 am on Christmas morning as I had to go to work and noticed that the deer and three of our lighted Candy Canes were missing from the display!! We never did find those and so Peter is going to try and figure out a way that we can have our stuff up and hopefully no one will be able to get at it and steal it or destroy it.
Jeff is over helping his grandpa put up lights and decorations in his yard today too!! Our whole family is like this!!! We love this time of year and just can't help ourselves!!! And, in two weeks we will be putting up dad's Christmas tree. That will be both a happy time and a sad time!!! This is the first Christmas without my mom and so we are going to go over and help my dad set up his tree and decorate it!!! I am sure there will be smiles and laughs and tears as well. All the memories and just the fact that she isn't here to do it too will be hard and happy at the same time. We were in Canadian Tire yesterday and we saw this house that you press the button and the trees change colors and it plays Silent Night (which was one of mom's favorite Christmas songs) and I started crying in the store because I miss her and because I knew that she would have loved that house!!! I might go and buy it because I loved it too and because I would have bought it for her!!! I am very glad that I moved out here when I did and that I got to spend all that time with her before all this happened and that I got one more Christmas with her (last year)!!! I will cherish that forever!!!
I miss you mom and love you very much!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

It's Friday!!!

Woohoo.....I have the whole weekend off after I am done work at 9:00 pm tonight!!! That's so sweet!!! I think on Sunday I am going with Tammy to Sears to register for wedding gifts!! We are also going to go to the Dollar Store because we think we finally found the table card holders!!! We have been looking and looking and I think we finally found them!!! :) We will see!!

We got our engagement pictures back the other night!!! They turned out really good and so as soon as I figure out how to do it, I will post them on here!!! :) I am still learning!! 

Well, the men in my house are supposed to be cooking dinner tonight. We will see how far that gets! They are both pretty miserable tonight. Kinda makes me happy that I am at work. Except I would really like to be at home with my sore foot up and resting and nice and warm under a blanket!!! :)  Oh well, only 2.5 hours left now!!!  Not that I am counting!! lol

I don't know what I am going to do with my day tomorrow. I guess we will see what happens when the morning comes. Maybe I will finally get some stuff done around the house. Michelle is supposed to be coming over in the evening and we are going to do the Save the Date cards to mail out. So we will see what happens.

Time to work now.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Freaky Friday real reason why I called it that!!! Well, this is my first Friday night having to work and can we all say "BORING"???? Sigh..........oh well, only 3 hours to go now!!! I work until 9pm tonight. :(  I am off tomorrow though!!! Then I work on Sunday. Tomorrow night we are going to go bowling for a surprise birthday party for my friend Sue. It is her 40th Birthday, her husband is away until November working and so there is a surprise party for her at the bowling alley!!! It sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun!!! Will write more this weekend and tell you all about it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mid month

I can't believe it's the middle of the month already!!! The time is just flying. It is quite unseasonably cool here in Kelowna the last little while. :(  We have had frost, today it rained and the other day we woke up and our water was frozen. What is the world coming to? In 10 days it's my youngest nieces first birthday!! I can't believe that is coming up already!!! Wedding plans are coming along and changing from one minute to the next. I am getting excited!!! My friend Tammy is going away to Vegas soon and I will miss her!! What will I do without her?? lol You would think she is going for days and days when in total I think she is only gone 4-5 days!!! lol. Peter has most of our stuff from outdoors packed up and in the shed for the winter and we are getting prepared to start decorating the lawn for Christmas!!!! I can't wait for that!!! I am going through things in the house and cleaning things out. Going through all the clothes that are too small...........YES, I said too small.........for me!!!! We also have a bunch of things left over from garage sales that we are going to take with the clothes to Value Village!!! I go to the doctor's tomorrow for my checkup. I am hoping he will tell me happy things about my weight loss and about the rest of me. I haven't been feeling well the last few days though and so I need to talk to him about that. In a few weeks there is a Bridal Fair and so I am hoping that Tammy, Michelle and I can go to that together. It will only work if James will come in and work the last few hours of my shift for me though so cross your fingers for me!!! Peter and I are going to the hot tub again tonight after I get off work. I can't wait!! My body sings "HALEIGHLUIA" when we go there. :)  Then it's a shower and hair wash and then home to bed!! I have my doctor's appt in the morning and then I work earlier tomorrow afternoon because Michelle has a funeral to go to. :(  I don't mind doing that for her. Then, this Friday night is my first Friday night working since I started working here. I really hope that doesn't last long at all. :(  We will see what the Spring has to offer!!!!
Well, should go and do my reports. Have a good night all and we will talk more later.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Well, today we went to a Wedding for a friend of mine that works at the resort. It was a beautiful small wedding and I am so very happy for her!!!  She finally found the man for her and they are now very happy together. There was lots of laughter and lots of tears. The grooms father passed away a month or so ago and so there was a little tribute to him and then a lovely song was played (it was the Bride and Grooms song) and it made people cry. Mostly me!!  lol. Wow have I been emotional lately. Anyway, it was wonderful and the food was great too! I posted a ticker to countdown until our wedding and also one to count down to Christmas!!! It's at the bottom of my page!!! lol. Now one day I will figure out how to put pictures on here and then maybe you can see some!!
 Tomorrow my dad is cooking a turkey as I am working all day. I can't wait to get off work and go for turkey. I have to make the gravy when I get there though but that's ok. I have to remember to set the PVR to record my shows because although I know we will get to watch them at dad's house, he will talk all the way through them and then I can't hear them. I still haven't watched my show's from this week!! lol. Tuesday is going to be a day of staying in my jammies and watching my shows while curled up under my comforter!!! Also, I bought a couple of movies and so I would like to watch them too. One of them is Wall E!!!! I haven't seen it yet and am dying to see it!!! What better time to watch movies than when it's cold out?? :) That's what my mom and I used to do. I find it hard to do some of the things that we used to do together, it's just not the same without her!!!! I try to do them with other people, but again, not the same!!

Well, better go and try to get some sleep. 6 am comes quickly these days!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thirst Thursday

Hi there. Well, I have been in this weepy, emotional mood for a few days now. I don't know exactly what it is from. It could be that I miss my brother and his family, it could be that I miss my mom, it could be just my hormones!!! I don't know. I didn't sleep very much last night and even though I feel pretty good lately, everyday at work, the girls are asking me if I am ok. "Are you ok Cherie?" "You look tired today" or "you look pale today", that's a very polite way of telling you that you look like heck and what's the matter with you!!!! Sigh.....
So today I was like "do I look that bad that everyday people have to comment on it? Because I am feeling fine and you all are telling me how crappy I look". lol. I don't think they quite knew what to do. haha I felt bad afterwards because I know they care about me, see told you I was emotional!!! :(

Anyway, I am not sure why, but I cannot get enough to drink today.......hence the title of my post. I have had 12 litres of water today, 3 cups of tea, two cups of hot chocolate and a can of Coke Zero and I am still thirsty!!! Not sure why this is!!! I guess I have a lot to talk to my doctor about next week when I go for my checkup. I know I have lost weight so I can't wait to see what the scale says this time!!! I don't go until the 15th so it's like a week away still!! :(  Oh well.

We are going to a wedding this Saturday. It is a girl that I am friends with at work. She is getting married at the resort and so we are going to help her get ready on Saturday morning and Jeff is going to help with set up and stuff and Peter is doing the music for the ceremony! Then it's just a small reception. So that's nice.

We are going to the hot tub when I get off work tonight!!! I can't wait. My body is screaming "I want to relax in the hot tub"!!! lol. I find I sleep better when we go to the hot tub. It relaxes my body and muscles and mind so that I go home and go right to bed and then I sleep just fine.

Well, better go run my reports at work. Been a really slow, quiet night. My hours get cut next week. :( But I guess it's good because there's nothing to do.

Have a great night!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Well, this weekend is the Canadian Thanksgiving!!! Kind of bittersweet but looking forward to having turkey and a nice family visit. We are having our dinner on Sunday (the holiday is on the Monday). I work until 4 pm on Sunday so I don't have to do any of the cooking!!! Dad is going to cook the dinner with Peter and Jeff's help I would imagine!  We are also having a friend or two for dinner too!! It should be nice and we will also watch our Sunday night shows!! We watch Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Desperate Housewives and Brother's and Sister's. So, most of the evening on Sundays we spend sitting watching TV and crying!!! lol. Sounds inviting doesn't it? lol.

It's getting quite cool outside! :(  We haven't had any snow yet down here in the Valley. We can see it on the top of the mountains which is why we are getting the colder weather. The ski resorts around here have gotten a good dump of it already and I am sure they are excited to get more!! I guess for spring to come back we need to get through winter so bring it on and lets get it over with!!! lol You know you are getting older when every bone, joint and muscle in you aches when the weather changes and gets colder!! haha I actually have some extenuating circumstances with that too but some of the discomfort is due to a bit of arthritis, etc...I also have Lupus. That is an Autoimmune disease. Instead of protecting my body, my immune system attacks my body and system. I will write more about that another time. I have been changing the way I eat, exercise, and the doctor changed my medication. I have been feeling a lot better lately and have been able to sleep more! You have no idea how great full I am for more sleep!!! Anyway, we will see how this winter does for me. Last winter did a number on me and my system so hopefully with all the new things I am trying (thanks to my wonderful sister in law), I will do better this winter!!! My sister in law has been a great source of information and a great inspiration in me changing things and trying things I would never had tried before! Thanks Pen!!!!

Well, should go and get something done around this house while I am off today!!! Wish me luck. We are going to dads for Pizza tonight!!!! Woohoo!!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


That's what I would like to be doing right now!!!! Sleeping!!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz We got home about 2 am and I had to get up at 6. :(  I know it was my own choice and I am not really complaining, I am just saying that I would love to be back in my jammies and in bed or cuddling on the couch and snoozing there. :)  Only 7 more hours til I can do that!!!! But hey, who's counting??? lol. We are having ham tonight and watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition!!! I LOVE that show! It makes me cry all the time! I love hearing their stories and then watching as their entire lives are changed for the better. There is way too much bad news in the world today that I find that show just brings some good back into it!! Cudo's to the entire team it takes and all the people that work to make all these families feel whole again!! It takes some very special people with big hearts to provide all that help and support!! I just wish they did that here in Canada as well!!! Maybe one day!?!

It's very cool outside today! Definitely not summer anymore!! Already I can hardly wait for Spring!! lol. Except I don't want to miss Christmas!!! lol. I know, I am a strange one!! If we could have nice warm weather, nothing under plus 10 celcius for the year that would be great!!!

Ooooooooohhhhhhhh, my sweetie is very nice to me!!!! He is going to Tim Horton's for me right now!!! :) While I am here working (or supposed to be), he feels sorry for me and is going to get me nurishment!!! :) I love him!!! xoxo

Well, have a good day. Must accomplish something resembling work while I am here!! Gate Cards here I come!!!! lol

Friday, October 2, 2009


Free Smileys
Well, winter is coming, which I guess in one way is ok cause that means Christmas is coming soon!!! But, it's cold and damp out and this morning, from my desk at work, I saw snow on the top of the mountain!! :(  They had snow at Big White today, that's one of the ski hills out here! People are still playing golf!!! Thanks Alyssa for all the encouragement!!! I am learning. I think I have it set where anyone can leave a comment on my blog so try again or have mommy help you!! I don't know why it wouldn't work.

We went looking for more Halloween stuff today!!!  The yard is starting to look like a graveyard!!  lol. Jeff, my son, got all excited about it but thinks we need more lights!!!  Only one more month til we can start decorating for Christmas!!! Woohoo!!!!

I forgot to take my medications last night so haven't been feeling the best today. :( I have Lupus (it's an autoimmune disease, where my immune system attacks my body instead of protects it). Anyway, have taken them all tonight so here's to hoping I feel better tomorrow. Have been working on eating better, resting more, and trying new ways to treat Lupus so that maybe I can be in remission (where I am not having pain, feeling sick, etc....for periods of time) a bit more often.

I think I might start my Christmas crafts so that I have a head start this year. I also am going to attempt Scrapbooking!!!  I have a couple of ideas for scrapbooks that I want to do. I have never done it and need to go over to dad's and see if any of mom's stuff is still there and what I need to go out and buy. Also, I think the girls and i will be getting together soon and doing Save the Date Cards, etc.....for the wedding. :)

Well, time to go for now. Maybe will look at changing a few things on here and then play a game or something and then bed. Have a great night. Oh yeah.......Peter is DJing a Wedding tomorrow night!!  It is at a nice Golf Course and if I am feeling better then I am going to go with him. Should be interesting.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy October!!!

Good morning!! Well, it's October now! I am finally going to be closing at 8 pm instead of 9 pm!!! That extra hour makes a big difference! I am so excited!!  I am learning how to add things to my blog and make it look nicer!! Thanks to my wonderful, smart niece!!! How did I get so lucky?? :) Peter (my fiance) and I went and got some Halloween stuff last night and I put the window decorations up this morning already!!! :0 The people that were out for their morning walks stopped and looked and gave me the thumbs up!!! Always nice when the older people approve!! :)  Now I am trying to get my son out of bed so he can go to work! He doesn't seem to want to get up this morning!! GRRRRR Maybe I will have to go in with a glass of cold water!! lol My other son, Tim, called this morning. Today he is moving out of his group home and into a Supportive Roommate place. He will be renting a room in a house with another guy and I think that there are a couple of other guys there as well. He is very nervous and I have to admit, so am I. He has been at the home for two years now and they think he is ready so we will see. He moves tonight! I think I am more nervous because I won't have that support if I need it with him! I know that sounds whimpyish but I can't help it. That group of people have been so wonderful to Tim and to me that it's scary to think I can't just call them and talk to them if he is here and having troubles. They have told him he can call them and go see them whenever he wants though so that's good. I believe he can do it!!!! It's time for him to have some independence and learn to deal with real life. I hope they have lots of support in place for him though as he will need someone to talk to if he is feeling frustrated, etc...........Just like we all do!!!!

Well, going to go and play around with my blog a bit more, do some tidying around the house and get ready for work!!! I also start an hour earlier since we are closing an hour earlier!!!! :)

Have a great day!!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Hey Alyssa.............I did it!!!!!!!! :)  I added a blinkie!! All by myself!! hahahahaha Poor girl is going to be so embarrassed that I am her Auntie!! :)  Now that I figured that out........I am going to do so much with my blog!!! :)  Wait til you see!!! Well, I am at work and am not very busy at all. Only 45 minutes to go though so that's kinda cool! Then it's off to Walmart !!!!!!! One of my favorite stores!!!! It's getting cooler outside :(  I don't want winter to come! I would like Christmas to come and still have warm weather and not have to shovel sidewalks or wear boots and gloves!!! Oh in a perfect world!! I am thinking I will have to make one of these for our DJ company!!! That's right, we have our own DJ company and are just getting started. We are hopefully going to join the Bridal Fair in Vernon in January!!! That should be interesting!! We went to it last year for me as I am getting married in June 2010!!  So this should be fun!!!

Well, going to go and finish my reports and stuff. Have a good night!!!


My first Post!!!

My niece Alyssa, encouraged me to make a blog. So, I thought, "why not?" and here I am. I am very new to this and so it will not be very fancy but as I go along I suppose I will figure it out!! Alyssa said she would teach me over the email so that should be interesting. Wish her luck!! lol. This is just a short one to start as I have to go to work. :(  Will post more later.
